How To Build a Family Business in 7 Simple Steps

Have you ever thought that you never have enough time for your family and yourself as a business owner? Or maybe, you are thinking about starting a business but you are already wearing too many hats?

I've felt the same way; it is truly a balancing act.

The idea of starting a business and the reality of building a business are two different things. The time and energy required to build a business, be a parent, work a 9 to 5 job, and find time for yourself is a lot to juggle.

Well, my Guest this week on The 3 Hat Lifestyle Podcast, Chef Shelli, created a business that allows her daughter to work with her while also providing training opportunities for other gifted young adults.

Follow these 7 simple steps to build a family busy while creating more memories:

  1. Assess family interests
  2. Identify core values
  3. Determine whether to build a location-independent business or brick-and-mortar
  4. Analyze the skill sets of family members
  5. Narrow the business ideas
  6. Create a collaborative plan
  7. Execute

Developing a business model that incorporates your immediate family will help you free up your time, create priceless memories with your loved ones, and get you one step closer to living The 3 Hat Lifestyle!

If you are wearing too many hats and you are trying to figure out how to incorporate your family in your entrepreneurial and business ventures, apply to be on The 3 Hat Lifestyle Podcast!



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